Friday, April 23, 2010

Aftermath of the War of 1812

This is a link to information on the War of 1812.


Issues That Caused the War

I. Water Issues
a. Relation to French/British War
b. Impressment
1. International Law
2. Abuses
c. Interference with American Trade
1. Napleon's Continental System
2. Orders in Council
3. Chesapeake Incident
II. Economic Issues
a. Embargo Act
b. The Depression
c. Other Steps and Results
III. Political Issues
a. The Indian Menace
b. Territorial Expansion
c. Politics and Presidents

Results of the War of 1812

This is a link leading to a website talking about the results of the War of 1812.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Causes of 1812 War

Here is a website with the causes of the War of 1812.

Campaign Link

This is a link to a website giving some background info on the War of 1812 and telling about it's campaigns.